Port Forwarding Mikrotik Web Server

What is Port Forwarding?

Port forwarding is a technique that allows external devices to access services on a private network. It enables users to connect to specific devices or services within a network from outside the network. By forwarding network traffic from a specific port on the router to a device or server on the network, port forwarding allows external users to access resources on the network.

Why Port Forwarding Mikrotik Web Server?

Mikrotik routers are known for their powerful features and flexibility. Port forwarding on a Mikrotik router allows you to expose your web server to the internet, making it accessible to users outside your network. This is particularly useful if you want to host a website, run a remote desktop server, or set up a gaming server.

Configuring Port Forwarding on Mikrotik Router

Step 1: Accessing the Mikrotik Router

To configure port forwarding on your Mikrotik router, you need to access its web interface. Open a web browser and enter the IP address of your router in the address bar. You will be prompted to enter the username and password for authentication.

Step 2: Navigating to the Port Forwarding Menu

Once you have logged in to the Mikrotik router, navigate to the “IP” menu and select “Firewall” from the drop-down menu. Then, click on the “NAT” tab to access the port forwarding settings.

Step 3: Adding a Port Forwarding Rule

To add a port forwarding rule, click on the “+” button. In the “General” tab, specify the protocol (TCP or UDP) and the port number you want to forward. In the “Action” tab, select “dstnat” from the drop-down menu. Enter the IP address of the device or server you want to forward the traffic to in the “To Addresses” field.

Step 4: Setting Up the Firewall Filter Rule

To ensure that the port forwarding rule works correctly, you need to set up a firewall filter rule. In the “Action” tab of the port forwarding rule, select “add action=dst-nat” and specify the destination port number. This will redirect incoming traffic from the specified port to the destination IP address.

Testing Port Forwarding

After configuring the port forwarding rule on your Mikrotik router, it is important to test if it is working correctly. You can use online port scanning tools to check if the specified port is open and accessible from outside your network. Additionally, you can try accessing the web server or service from a device outside your network using the public IP address of your router.


Port forwarding on a Mikrotik router is a powerful feature that allows you to expose services on your private network to the internet. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can configure port forwarding for your web server or any other service. Remember to ensure proper firewall configuration and testing to ensure the security and accessibility of your forwarded ports.

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